Huntington Lecture: A New Tool to Map Entire Galaxies
Last night I gave a public lecture at the Huntington Library, attended by ~500 people, whew! This talk is very accessible to people with...

Under Construction
I am updating my page over the next week, please be patient! Image Credit to Catherine and Sarah Satrun- Sketchy Duo...

I did a Podcast on Black Hole Pairs!
I talked with Dr. Carrie Nugent on her podcast Spacepod, and tried a crazy drink. You can learn about black hole pairs and how we study...

Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
LINC-NIRVANA (LN) is a near-IR imager for the Large Binocular Telescope offering both multi-conjugate AO and interferometric beam...

Ph.D. Research
When galaxies merge, gravitational forces can disturb the gas within them, funneling it to their centers. This causes bursts of star...

Research as an Undergraduate
I received my B.S. at the University of Washington in Physics and in Astronomy in 2009. At UW with Astronomy Professor Zeljko Ivezic, I...